We went to Michigan for a week at Thanksgiving time. Logan was so excited. He was awake from 1am-4am just singing, looking out the window, talking...and when we got to Nana and Pop's house he was so hyper.
We had a fun week. Pop, Eden, and Logan went to ride on the combine with Uncle Harold. Uncle Harold gave them each some corn to take with them.
Eden was always willing to help Kayley
Dress up time--Ninja Elijah, Fireman Ethan, Dr. Logan, Hannah "Eden" Montana, and Spidergirl Kayley
We found out Kayley loves baby dolls. Nana taught her to hug and feed and burp the baby.
Logan brought a Power Rangers outfit this time so he could be a ranger with his cousins.
They love this game. Kayley likes to have someone hold her and jump.
Chef Logan
Pop always had room on his lap for his 3 youngest grandkids-Kayley, Evan, Elijah
Tuesday, we got to go to the fire station...a long 20 second car trip!
They were all so excited.
Fireman Logan
Then we got to ride in a fire truck. They all loved it.
Logan, Eden, Ethan, Elijah
Later, Eden and Logan helped decorate the 2 Christmas trees
Ethan, Logan, and Elijah
Rest time...probably watching Mickey
Elijah and Kayley got along so well this time. Elijah was playing around on the couch and Kayley would copy him. One day she was not happy after nap and wouldn't leave Mommy. Then she saw Elijah come out from taking a nap and immediately wanted down to play with him.
The Grandkids on "Christmas Eve"---Evan-3 mos, Eden- almost 6, Logan-3, Ethan-3 1/2, Elijah-almost 2, and Kayley 16 months.
We celebrated Christmas together on Thanksgiving. We opened stockings and the kids opened their presents in the morning. We had Thanksgiving dinner and the grown-ups opened presents at night.
A teddy bear Aunt Lola made
Logan got tired opening presents!
Super Kayley
Elijah and Kayley hanging out
Logan thought it was fun to try on Nana's glasses when she wasn't looking
Mommy, Nana, Aunt Lola
Thanksgiving dinner-Uncle Ryan, Eden, Logan, Daddy, Pop, Kayley, Mommy, Ethan, Elijah, and Aunt Lola (Nana took the picture)
Pigtails in Kayley's hair...didn't stay in long before falling out
All the big people opened up presents Thursday night. Kayley decided she couldn't sleep so she joined them for a while.
Nana and Pop bought a new train for the kids to play with
Kayley and Elijah
Drummer Kayley
Kayley in the crib Mommy slept in as a baby
Saturday we drove to Frankenmuth and had lunch at Zehnders. Mommy loves that restaurant and Daddy finally got to try it out!
Then we headed home!
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